2018 Sponsors
A BIG THANK YOU to our 2018 Golfers, Sponsors, and Donors! With your help, we raised over $125,000 in 2018!
2018 Golf Program:
Our Foundation raised over $125,000 from our Second Annual Golf Classic in September - even more than our First Annual Golf Classic!
Multiple funds have been given in Rob’s name since last year including:
An endowment created in Rob's name at Boston College High School, where Rob attended, (Class of 1990) and where Robbie will attend in the fall (Class of 2024)
Sponsorship of Plymouth Police Sgt. Michael Glowka and San Antonio, TX, Patrolman Tommy Capell in the Police Unity Tour to DC (an organization dedicated to honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice for their communities, as civil servants in law enforcement)
Michael J. Fox Foundation For Parkinson's Research
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
The Base
Pan Mass-Challenge
Homes For Our Troops
Camp Squanto Scholarship Fund
Plymouth 400
Devin Ness Scholarship Fund
Sweaters to Sustenance
Wachusett Hockey
Various Boy Scout Troops
CHAMP Homes in Hyannis
Contributed to student’s class trips and
Assisted families in need during the holidays
This year, the Foundation awarded $25,000 in scholarships to students providing many with invaluable opportunities to those involved, and contribute to, their communities in meaningful ways.
Our Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and has a 0% administrative fee.
Printing: We Print Today
Thank you to We Print Today for printing the programs and other materials for the event!
Phone: 1-800-WPT-FAST, 781-585-6021
Email: info@weprinttoday.com
Website: http://www.weprinttoday.com/
LeaderBoard of Boston
Thank you to LeaderBoard for providing the Air Cannon for the Air Cannon hole!
Phone: 781-784-6508
Email: info@leaderboardboston.com
Website: http://www.leaderboardboston.com/




