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Alternative Ways to Support RCF Kids in Need

  1. Shop AmazonSmile and pick RCF as your designated charity of choice. CLICK HERE

  2. Pass out the RCF brochure to your local school, church, or food pantry for children looking for extracurricular activities, etc. 


3. Donate a raffle item to the RCF Golf Tournament fundraising event. CLICK HERE

  1. Refer a friend as a sponsor or patron for our Annual Gala or a golfer or sponsor for our Golf Tournament CLICK HERE

  2. Does your company raise funds for charity or match donations? Mention us! CLICK HERE

  3. Sign up for email updates and “like” us on Facebook to keep track of our events. CLICK HERE

  4. Have more time to put into this campaign? Want to really get the word out in your town? Become a School Liaison and work closely with RCF staff to maximize those taking advantage of the program. CLICK HERE


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