Golf Classic Sponsorships and Golf / Dinner Sign Up
The 5th Semi-Annual Rob Cunningham Foundation Golf Classic features a variety of sponsorship levels and ways to participate. Click the link below the description to be taken to a secure page
where you can donate online. As always, thank you for your support!
Presenting Sponsor | $10,000
Company name on all printed material to read: “The Rob Cunningham Foundation Golf Classic presented by (company name)”
Company banner (provided by company) prominently displayed at the event
Signage at tee area of four holes on course
Two foursomes including lunch and dinner
Company name and logo prominently displayed on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as our Presenting Sponsor
Air Cannon Eagle Sponsor | $5,000
Company logo prominently displayed on all printed material
Company banner (provided by company) prominently displayed at Air Cannon hole
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as our Air Cannon Eagle Sponsor
Dinner Sponsor | $5,000
Underwrite the cost of dinner for the tournament (golf participants only)
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Company banner/logo (provided by company) to be displayed at dinner site and reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as our Dinner Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor | $3,500
Underwrite the cost of lunch for the tournament (golf participants only)
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Signage at tee area of two holes on course
Company name displayed at the reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Company logo on lunch boxes
Click here to sign up as our Lunch Sponsor
Closest To The Pin Sponsor | $3,500
Company banner to be displayed at Closest to the Pin on the course
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Company name displayed at the reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as our Closest to the Pin Sponsor
Cart Sponsor | $3,500
Company signage on all carts
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Company name displayed at the reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as our Cart Sponsor
Putting Contest Sponsor | $3,500
Company banner to be displayed at Practice Range
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Company name displayed at the reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as our Putting Contest Sponsor
Corporate Promotion | $1,250
One foursome including lunch and dinner
Signage at tee area of one hole on course
Company name displayed at the reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up for a Corporate Promotion
Hole Sponsor | $500
Signage at tee area of one hole on course
Company name displayed at the reception
Company name and logo on the Rob Cunningham Foundation website
Click here to sign up as a Hole Sponsor
Single Golfers and Foursomes | $250/$1000
Includes Lunch and Dinner
Shotgun Start at 11AM
Click here to sign up for Single Golfers / Foursomes
Dinner Only | $75
Dinner begins around 4:30 PM
Click here to sign up for Dinner (Only)​
If you are unable to donate through the website, please complete the form below and mail to:
Rob Cunningham Foundation 4 Gallagher Drive, Plymouth, MA 02360
Please send artwork to
To donate goods and/or services, please email